GDPR Policy

Web Excel Consulting (WEC) has made this privacy statement in compliance with GDPR compliance in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy towards customer’s data or information protection. We generally collect information from our customers in the form of emails, scanned documents, on a telephone conversation, and in any other form convenient and agreed with customers. We carry out our services based on the data we have collected from our customers with their consent, Adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for relation to the purposes for which they are processed. Complying with our GDPR policy our clients have transparency to our data collection method, we store their personal and business information to deliver our services to design their website to their requirements. Customer’s personal information is used to contact them when it’s necessary.


This site contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. Please refer to the privacy policies on their website when you visit these links. We have different payment methods that our customers use to pay for our accounting services. We do not use their bank accounts information without their knowledge to processing any unclaimed charges and payments by customers.


Customer’s data is not disclosed to any third party as WEC is completely responsible to protect customer’s data and store securely. Data collected by WEC is for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes. Our staffs know the criticality of data protection and comply with the procedure of lawfully processing data.


If you have any further questions in relevance to your data protection with WEC please free to contact us on +44 7432610744 or